This document explains how the tests work.
Status: Deprecated, ~~Draft~~, ~~Working~~, ~~Stable~~, ~~Frozen~~
If you want to load test data in the website, you need to install api-copilot.
You will also have to have mangodb installed.
Start tests
To start the tests’ scenario, start your server, move to the root directory of the project and type the “api-copilot run testRestApi” command.
Tests explainations
This scenario first connect to the database and clean it (be careful). Then, it make some HTTP request to the server to test the behaviour :
POST four new poll, GET all polls, GET one poll, PUT a poll, DELETE a poll, POST three new participations, GET all participations, GET all participations of a poll, PUT a participation and DELETE a participation.
Expected results
If everything worked fine, when you access the website you are going to see some stats :
3 polls have been created in total.
3 polls have been created in a week.
2 polls are still open.